Due to inclement weather, programming at CMCB will have a delayed start and all classes and lessons will begin at 4pm. If you have any questions, please call the front office at 617-482-7494.

Valuing All Voices Campaign

Home Valuing All Voices Campaign

A new century of music education at Community Music Center of Boston

For over a century, CMCB has been a cornerstone for beautiful, inclusive, safe musical instruction, and a national leader in conversations on creative youth development. From our work with immigrant families in the early twentieth century; to our pioneering work in Music Therapy in the 1950’s; to our role in public school integration during Boston’s busing crisis in the 1970’s, CMCB’s legacy pulses through our work today. 

To continue toward an even brighter future of music-making that values all voices, we are making bold investments that help define our next hundred years:

  • New and expanded programs
  • A flagship learner-centered and culturally-inclusive Educational Framework, co-created with students and teachers
  • Student Pathways that honor and formalize the many inspirations that bring students through our doors
  • Youth employment, leadership, and economic empowerment
  • The purchase and renovation of a spacious, beautiful, accessible, state-of-the-art facility – keeping our South End teaching space and expanding to a second headquarters by 2026

To support this urgent work, CMCB is raising $20 million by 2025. To learn, read our case statement below, or get in touch with our team to learn how you can help.

Thanks to donors like you, we have already raised over $17 million. Our next century begins now. Join us and add your voice today. 

Add Your Voice Today