Due to inclement weather, programming at CMCB will have a delayed start and all classes and lessons will begin at 4pm. If you have any questions, please call the front office at 617-482-7494.

Giving Societies

Make a difference at CMCB

Members of our giving societies make a lasting difference at CMCB through their charitable donations. With your support, we can grow in our mission to provide equitable access to excellent music education.

Rutland Society : $10,000+

This donor society is named for our South End Music School, a fledgling settlement house on Rutland Street that flourished into what we know as CMCB today.

Settlement Society: $5,000-$9,999

This donor society remembers the two settlement houses, Boston Music School Settlement and the South End Music School, which merged in 1968 to create what is now known as Community Music Center of Boston.

Warren Avenue Society – $2,500 to $4,999

This donor society is named in honor of our three addresses on Warren Avenue, in the heart of Boston’s South End.

Lapin Club – $1,000 – $2,499

This donor society is named in honor of our longest serving executive director, David Lapin.


The Legacy and Innovation Society honors those donors who have pledged a commitment to Community Music Center of Boston in their will, trust, or estate plan, along with donors who have $50,000 or more in total lifetime giving. We cherish the foresight and dedication of these generous supporters, whose planned gifts help bring arts education to life for many generations to come. Like our other giving societies, Legacy & Innovation members receive dedicated invitations to private events, opportunities to meet and get-to-know CMCB’s leadership, and, if they want, public recognition as a generous CMCB donor.

Have you included CMCB as a beneficiary in your will/trust, retirement plan, or life insurance policy? Please let us thank you for your generosity, recognize your inspiring commitment to our future, and welcome you into the Legacy & Innovation Society. Contact Senior Director of Major & Institutional Gifts, Zach Sheets, and sheets@cmcb.org or (617) 482-7494. 

To learn more, visit our Planned Giving page.

Thank you to our members!

Generous support from donors like you helps bring music to life for thousands of young people every week throughout Boston.

In addition to the knowledge that you are helping build a lasting legacy of arts education that supports every student to thrive, members of our giving societies receive additional benefits such as annual report recognition and exclusive CMCB opportunities.

Would you like to join us?

Please contact CMCB to learn more about our Giving Societies. We thank you for your stewardship and look forward to working throughout the year with you to invest in CMCB’s future.

development@cmcb.org or 617-482-7494