Due to inclement weather, programming at CMCB will have a delayed start and all classes and lessons will begin at 4pm. If you have any questions, please call the front office at 617-482-7494.

Registration and Fees

We are so excited that you’ve decided to let us be a part of your musical journey!

CMCB uses a registration platform called ASAP to enroll students in lessons and/or group classes.

Questions about ASAP? Email registration@cmcb.org!


Tuition and fees information is listed below. Tuition may be paid in full or in monthly installments during the school year.

At CMCB, we believe finances should never stand in the way of a student’s musical ambitions. Learn more about our financial aid programs by clicking here. If you are a current CMCB student, financial aid allocations from the 2024-2025 school year will automatically be applied to your Summer 2025 enrollments. To renew financial aid for the upcoming school year, you must submit a simple reapplication available on our Financial Aid page.

There are several types of programming with different pricing at CMCB’s Community Music School at 34 Warren Ave:

  • Private Lessons (and 1:1 Music Therapy) – for students age 5 through adult
    • **NEW** Now also offered on select days and times at The Record Co. – read more about our collaboration here!
  • Ensembles & Seminars – open to all, at various levels
  • Early Childhood Classes – Small group classes for students ages 4-7
  • Elementary Classes – Small group classes for students ages 7-12
  • Rising Artist Program Classes – Small group classes and seminars for students ages 12-18
  • The Record Co. Classes – Small group classes for students ages 14+

Private Lesson & Music Therapy Pricing
*effective as of June 2024

30 minutes – $58.50 per lesson ($2,047.50 for the full school year, 9/7/24 through 6/7/25)

45 minutes – $85 per lesson ($2,975 for the full school year, 9/7/24 through 6/7/25)

60 minutes – $112.50 per lesson ($3,937.50 for the full school year, 9/7/24 through 6/7/25)

Lessons meet weekly from the time of enrollment through the end of the school year. Biweekly lessons are available at the discretion of the teacher.

Ensembles & Group Classes

Chamber Music Ensembles – $735 per year

Seminars and Large Ensembles – $682.50 per year: ISP String Seminar, Intermediate String Ensemble, Junior String Ensemble, Chamber Orchestra, Piano Seminar, String Seminar, Wind Seminar, Una Voce, Adult Ukulele, and Music Theory Classes

Early Childhood (ages 4-7)

$445.50 per 16-week semester ($891 per year): Beginning Drums, Beginning Guitar, Beginning Piano I and II, Beginning Strings, Beginning Ukulele, Beginning Voice, Musical Explorers: Strings and Brass

Elementary Music (ages 7-12)

$635 per semester per 16-week semester ($1,270 per year): Musical Theatre Performance, Pop/Rock Guitar, Percussion Fundamentals, Country/Jazz Guitar, Musical Explorers: Folk Instruments

**NEW** The Record Co. (ages 14+)

$790 per semester per 16-week semester ($1,580 per year): Introduction to Music Production and Live Recording, Building on the Beat: Digital Arrangement and Composing, Collaborating with Artists and Producers, The Basics of Beat Making

Registration Fees

There is an annual $40.00 (individuals) or $50.00 (families) non-refundable fee for registration for Private Lessons and Ensembles/Classes.

Early Childhood, Elementary, and The Record Co. classes have a $15 non-refundable registration fee already included in the semester tuition fee.

Payment Methods

Credit card: Please log in to your ASAP account to pay by credit card (preferred). We can also take credit card payments in person in the front office or over the phone.  If you would like to enroll in automatic billing please select “Save Credit Card for Future Purchases” when you pay, then contact the front office to authorize credit card payments. 

Cash: Please stop by the front office to pay via exact cash. CMCB is unable to make change for cash transactions.

Check: Please send your payment via check to Community Music Center of Boston, 34 Warren Avenue, Boston, MA 02116.


Private Lessons:

  • Full payment Discount: One Free Lesson (valid only for full year lessons beginning between September and December)
  • Family Discount: 10% off if two or more persons from 1 household are engaged in CMCB programming
  • Adult Discounts: 10% off for all adults 55+
  • College Discount: 10% off – with valid student ID
  • Private lesson discounts cannot be combined with the exception of the full payment discount


  • 20% off ensemble tuition (Chamber Orchestra, String Ensembles, Chamber Music, Una Voce) or Music Theory classes if the student is also taking Private Lessons
  • 40% off ensemble tuition if enrolled in Music Therapy

Early Childhood/Elementary Group Discount

  • 20% off ECH/ELEM group classes (such as Beginning Piano, Music Theater Performance, Pop/Rock Guitar, Beginning Percussion, etc) if the student is also taking Private Lessons.
  • Must be the same student. Does not apply for a student taking a group class and another student taking private lessons.

Rising Artist Program Discount

  • 50% off Chamber Music and Music Theory when enrolled concurrently along with private lessons