Due to the global IT failure, our ASAP servers are down, and we are currently unable to process payments or accept new registrations. We are hopeful that ASAP will be operational again by Monday. Please email registration@cmcb.org with any immediate concerns.

*Search functionality works for currently selected month only.

Fall Studio Recitals Begin*

For more information, regarding specific recital dates and times, contact your or your student's teacher.

Goodwill Holiday Concert

Morgan Memorial Goodwill 1010 Harrison Ave, Boston, Massachusetts, United States

CMCB provides group music therapy at Goodwill, and our participants are putting on a concert. Clinical Manager Rachel Chao says: “Any and all are welcome to this event! They would […]

Otis School at the East Boston Band Concert

East Boston High School 86 White St, East Boston, Massachusetts, United States

CMCB has been partnering with EdVestors and other arts education organizations to build out an instrumental music cohort throughout East Boston. Come hear woodwinds from the Otis join an East-Boston-wide […]