March 8, 2024 06:30-08:00pm

The Women of Tin Pan Alley

Home Events The Women of Tin Pan Alley

March 8


06:30 pm - 08:00 pm

Event Category:

John Kleshinski Concert Series


Discover The Women of Tin Pan Alley in our March concert featuring CMCB faculty Akela Franklin and Katie O’Reilly, and special guests!



Discover The Women of Tin Pan Alley

Tin Pan Alley produced many well-known songwriters and publishers such as George Gershwin, Irving Berlin, Scott Joplin, and Cole Porter. But have you heard the music of their lesser-known women colleagues?

In the spirit of uplifting historically silenced and forgotten voices, our March John Kleshinski Concert will feature works for voice and piano that showcase the songwriting talents of Kay Swift, Dorothy Fields, Ann Ronell, Dana Seusse, Bernice Petkere, and more. This event will be presented in conjunction with West End Lyric, featuring CMCB faculty members, Akela Franklin and Katie O’Reilly, guests artists from the West End Lyric, and CMCB’s own students. Join us in celebrating all these incredible women this March!

What is Tin Pan Alley?

Tin Pan Alley was a collection of music publishers and songwriters in the Flower District of Manhattan during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The collective greatly increased the exchange of musical ideas, granted wider access to popular/secular music to the everyday person, and shepherded the careers of many cultural icons within America’s music and entertainment industry. Most of the most recognizable names from this era belong to men like George Gershwin and Irving Berlin — however, women also accounted for much of the venture’s success. In the spirit of lifting up historically silenced and forgotten voices, The Women of Tin Pan Alley concert will feature works for voice and piano that showcase the songwriting talents of Kay Swift, Dorothy Fields, Ann Ronell, Dana Seusse, Bernice Petkere, and more.


Click here for the full program!



Please visit our website to find out more about CMCB’s Accessibility Guidelines.


This event will occur at CMCB’s Allen Hall and be streamed online. Registered ticket holders will receive the live stream link via email.

About the John Kleshinski Concert Series:

Named in memory of John Kleshinski, former CMCB Board President and student, the John Kleshinski Concert Series provides access to high-quality musical performances for all, aiming to present a diverse sampling of instruments and genres.

Please join us at Community Music Center of Boston for musical performances of exceptional quality, featuring our Award-Winning faculty, guest artists and advanced students. Visit for additional information.

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