Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

We extend a warm welcome to you! We are so grateful you are looking to share your time and talents with us.

At CMCB, we are dedicated to transforming lives throughout Greater Boston by providing equitable access to excellent music education and arts experiences. We provide a range of programs to support neighborhoods in Boston, including in-school, after-school, and summer programs. With three main divisions, CMCB operates innovative Community Music School Programs at our headquarters in Boston’s South End; Community Engagement Programs with over 30 partners throughout Boston; and a Youth Development Program that provides paid employment at $18/hr, workforce training, and college/career mentorship.

You can volunteer directly with people in our programs or work behind the scenes to make a difference!

Volunteer roles include:

Event Assistant:

  • Help with event set-up/breakdown or as an usher, greeting patrons with program books

Registrar Assistance:

  • Re-Enrollment Calls – (August, January, and May) Call families to encourage them to re-register

Alumni Reach Out:

  • Help students fill out a survey about their experiences (every June)

Stuff n’ Mail:

  • Help us send our annual reports and other mailings, informing our supporters about our great work (September, December, May)

Community Engagement:

  • Welcoming families before and after events or greeting families/various stakeholders

As well as more specialized volunteer opportunities, like:

Translation services:

  • Help with translating emails, calls, posters, etc. (languages needed: Spanish, Mandarin, Haitian, Vietnamese, and others)

Offering Specialized skills 

  • Your unique skills matter! Whether you’re interested in teaching an occasional workshop or taking a longer-term coaching approach, you can support our students in a wide range of skills within and beyond their coached subject.
  • Mentorship for Youth Employee Program – Interested in becoming a part of the Youth Employee Program? Help create a positive support system by inspiring youth to become the best version of themselves in an ongoing mentorship relationship

Volunteer Form

    Please indicate the days you are usually available to volunteer.
    Please indicate the days you are usually available to volunteer.