Recently, I have felt powerless regarding the ongoing violence against Ukraine. As a leader of a music organization, it has been difficult to know what to say. I try to avoid sending out statements of solidarity without also giving action items, but this time, I have felt a debilitating sense of trepidation. I just didn’t know what to suggest to those of you in our community.
As usual, someone in the CMCB had the inspiration that was needed. Earlier today, a former CMCB parent and board member named Marilyn Morrissey sent me a video that inspired me to find a voice for CMCB. The video that she sent is a beautiful representation of what it can look and feel like when we all agree that hate, violence, and oppression have no place in our global society.
To most of us, music is the soundtrack that provides context for our lived experiences. Music can take us back to our youth and remind us of our favorite movies and shows. To some, music is a luxury to be consumed as an escape from the everyday. We attend concerts, stream our favorite artists and genres, and listen to the radio. To others, music is an important skill that one must hone with an unparalleled commitment to precision and discipline. Amateur and professional musicians know this language well. In all of these examples, music is personal. It only belongs to individuals.
Inside that frame, I also believe that music can be a universal language. It rarely is, but it can be.
The video that I watched was a reminder of what music can be.
Please take 90 seconds to watch and listen.
The musicians started by giving 90 seconds of their time to create this piece of art for the world. Marilyn Morrissey spent 90 seconds listening to their music before sharing the video with me. My 90 seconds of listening to their music has led to this email to those of you in the CMCB community. Take 90 seconds to become part of the global community that is in support of Ukraine during this time. If you are unsure what to do to support Ukraine, maybe for you, it will start by committing 90 seconds to listening to music.
Wishing you all the best,
Lecolion Washington
Executive Director