Double Your Impact

Did you know that thousands of companies have a “matching gift” policy? Companies will “match” donations that their employees make to qualifying nonprofits like Community Music Center of Boston! In other words, it’s easy to double the impact of your gift with just a few clicks. 

Try searching your employer’s name below:

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation

Don’t forget: companies usually honor matches for spouses and partners, so try your significant other’s employer too!

If you enter your company name above and find a match, click to see what the next steps are! Often it’s a simple one-page form. 

Questions, feel free to drop us a line at:

Just in case, here’s some basic information you might need to process the match:

Community Music Center of Boston, Inc
34 Warren Ave
Boston, MA 02116
Our EIN: 04-2437973
Contact phone: 617-482-7494
Contact email: